Sebastiano Dessanay Pictures of a Quartet

Pictures of a Quartet

CD 2012

S.Meloni, P.Dunmall, S.Dessanay and M.Sanders

The music of this quartet composed by Sebastiano Meloni on piano, Paul Dunmall on saxophones, Sebastiano Dessanay on double bass and Mark Sanders on drums, moves between free jazz/avant-garde improvisation and contemporary. It espresses an abstract sonic setting, a rigorous exploration of unprecedented forms and timbres, always favouring the structural construction conceived as instantaneous composition.

The album was produced by British record label SLAM Productions.

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released July 21, 2012

Sound Engineer, mix and mastering: Matthew O’Malley
Assistant engineer and edit: Emma Chilton

Cover Paintings by Silvia Corda
Artwork design by Giampaolo Gerra

SLAM Productions – SLAMCD 539

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