377: the album – Crowdfunding Campaign

Oct 7, 2021 | News

377-project - album-Crowdfunding
Dearest friends,

after almost two years from the end of my bicycle trip through the 377 municipalities of Sardinia, I am finally about to create one of the artistic products I care about the most, the album of music written on the road with my bass ukulele. With me there will be the amazing musicians Peter Waters,Roberto Migoni, Francesco Morittu, and the two special guests Emanuele Contis and Max De Aloe.

To make this album I also need your help!

The Crowdfunding campaign

The crowdfunding campaign on the Italian Produzioni dal Basso platform started today. Go at the very bottom of the page to switch to the English version of the platform. I also made it easy by indicating everything in two languages (Italian and English), but if you have any difficulties please message me.

Each of you can contribute to the making of the 377 disc with a free donation or with a donation that includes original rewards including:

– The album on CD or VINYL
– 377 original design gadgets including tote bags, mugs and t-shirt
– Silk-screen printing with the 377 itinerary
– Handcrafted carpet with the 377 itinerary

Go search the Crowdfunding Page and you will find all the details about the project, the album and the perks.

Donate if you can, even a small amount can make a difference! You will be of immense help even if you spread this link and help me achieve the goal. The campaign lasts for a month … come on !!!

I thank you in advance for your collaboration and I can’t wait for this new product from the 377 project to see the light. Above all, I can’t wait to say that this too could happen mainly thanks to the generosity of the people!

Sebastiano Dessanay and the 377 Association
