377 project on Zazà Rai Radio 3

377 project on Zazà Rai Radio 3

I talked about 377 project with Serena Schiffini on the show Zazà – Meridione cultura società aired on Rai Radio Tre. You can listen to the radio show HERE (in Italian). My talk at 0:51:04. Enjoy!
377 project on Vitadueruote.it

377 project on Vitadueruote.it

I talked about the 377 project with Roberto Nassisi in a beautiful video interview made for the blog Vitadueruote.it. Intelligent questions that require answers to think about, especially when it comes to territorial revolutions and depopulation. Enjoy your...
377: album on the 2022 Sa Scena yearbook

377: album on the 2022 Sa Scena yearbook

The 2022 Sa Scena yearbook is out, by the independent publisher specialised in Sardinian music. It includes a review of the 377: album written by Mauro Piredda. The yearbook was presented on Friday the 14th of April at the record store Alta Fedeltà in Cagliari, where...
377 project at Caffè Corretto radio show on Radiolina

377 project at Caffè Corretto radio show on Radiolina

This morning I had the pleasure of chatting about my 377 project and various Sardinian matters together with Carlo Alberto Melis, a journalist from the Unione Sarda newspaper, on the Caffè Corretto show, broadcast on Sardinian radio station Radiolina. You can listen...
377 project on TGR Rai Liguria news

377 project on TGR Rai Liguria news

Journalist Emanuela Pericu, with whom I presented my 377 project book at Librerie.Coop Porto Antico in Genova on 21 March 2023, dedicated this tv news report on the Rai TGR Liguria. Enjoy it! CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW TO WATCH [report at minute 14:05 or...