Updates on releases, concerts, gigs, projects, art events and other tales.
Punti di Vista – NEW ALBUM RELEASE
Punti di Vista CD cover [photo by Sara Deidda] I am pleased to announce that today, January 31, 2025, Alessandro Di Liberto's new album Punti di...
I am pleased to announce that today, November 24, 2024, Gianluca Pischedda's new album Vagabond is released. I contributed to the album on the track...
Suite française – NEW ALBUM RELEASE
Suite française CD cover, Dinard, January 2018 [photo by Sebastiano Dessanay] I am pleased to announce that today, September 20, 2024, my new album...
Giostrine di Inzio e di Fine
Sebastiano Dessanay has played the electric bass on the song Giostrine di inzio e di fine, lyrics by Bruno Tognolini and music by Antonello Murgia,...
Paraulas live
On the 1st of August in Oliena and on the 8th of August in Cagliari, I will be playing live with Paraulas, a musical project produced by INSULAE...
S’Ozzastru wins at the Collision Awards, New York
The animated short film S’Ozzastru, directed by Carolina Melis, for which I composed the music, and produced by NICAL FILMS with the support of the...
Arkos Trio new video
The new video by the Arkos Trio, created by Matteo Maiore at the Church of St. Peter of the Images in Bulzi in August 2023, has been included in the...
Recording with the Tenores di Orosei Antoni Milia
In May, I had the pleasure and honour of recording two singles with the Tenores di Orosei Antoni Milia, Su Ballu Turturinu and Su Ninnu de Pasca e...
Sella&Mosca promotional ad
On April 8, 2023, at the Sella&Mosca winery, the launch event for the Tintas wine series took place. This new line of wines celebrates...
Live jazz in Sassari
In the coming months, I will be engaged in a series of events organised in collaboration with the Luigi Canepa Conservatory of Sassari. On February...
Canto dei figli del mondo
Sebastiano Dessanay has played the electric bass on the newly released song Canto dei Figli del Mondo, lyrics by Bruno...
Summer 2023 events
Here is the list of the events I will be busy with in summer 2023! Sat 3 June, Orgosolo: 377 project book talk Wed 14 June, Birmingham (UK):...
Propellor’s Flight live
Propellor ensemble is going to perform their latest work Flight live across several venues in the UK this summer. 14 June 2023, 6pm: Royal...
377 project book talk in Tula
The presentations of the book 377 project in Sardinia resume! We start with the literary festival "Racconti in Cammino" (trans. Tales on the go)...
At the Salone Internazionale del Libro of Turin
On Thursday the 18th of May 2023 at 1pm in the Sala Sardegna, PAD OVAL, I will be talking about my 377 project book published by Touring Club...
Some Ways to Fix My Musical Creative Process
A recent visit to the Nivola Museum in Orani which houses the temporary exhibition Il Libro degli Altri by the Spanish illustrator Isidro Ferrer...
377 project on Zazà Rai Radio 3
I talked about 377 project with Serena Schiffini on the show Zazà - Meridione cultura società aired on Rai Radio Tre. You can listen to the radio...
Flight podcast
Flight - Propellor's podcast about birds, soundscape ecology and music - is now OUT! It’s been years in the making and so many lovely folks have...
“Quattro” by Nanni Gaias
On Friday the 21st of April 2023, the new album Quattro by Sardinian drummer and composer Nanni Gaias has been released, published by Paolo Fresu’s...
377 project on
I talked about the 377 project with Roberto Nassisi in a beautiful video interview made for the blog Intelligent questions that...
377: album on the 2022 Sa Scena yearbook
The 2022 Sa Scena yearbook is out, by the independent publisher specialised in Sardinian music. It includes a review of the 377: album written by...
377 project on the Contrabass Conversations podcast
Sebastiano Dessanay spoke about 377 project, the book, the album and other stuff on the Contrabass Conversations podcast led by Jason Heath in San...
377 project at Caffè Corretto radio show on Radiolina
This morning I had the pleasure of chatting about my 377 project and various Sardinian matters together with Carlo Alberto Melis, a journalist from...
377 project book talk at the Third Age University of Ozieri
Wednesday 29 March 2023, at the Pinacoteca Giuseppe Altana of Ozieri the book 377 project. La Sardegna on the road con una bicicletta e un ukulele...
377 project on TGR Rai Liguria news
Journalist Emanuela Pericu, with whom I presented my 377 project book at Librerie.Coop Porto Antico in Genova on 21 March 2023, dedicated this tv...
377 project on Vanity Fair Italia
Journalist Paola Manfredi from Vanity Fair Italia has written this nice article about the 377 project. Enjoy the read (in Italian!) CLICK ON THE...
Italian tour for the 377 project book launch
In March 2023, I will be holding a series of talks in northern Italy to launch my book "377 project. La Sardegna on the road con una bicicletta e un...
Fenotoli by Gianfranco Cossu
Sebastiano Dessanay is one of the 20 musicians who interpreted one of songwriter Gianfranco Cossu's graphic illustrations called Fenotoli. The 20...
Scherzo on the new album by Art Express
My composition Scherzo has been included in the new release by Sardinian jazz group Art Express, titled Lost and Found, published by Tronos Digital...
377 project on the BC Magazine by FIAB
On issue 63 (winter 2022/23) of BC Magazine by FIAB (Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta), journalist Elisa Gallo wrote a nice article on the...